(Article by Nancy Deisch)  There was a lovely trail that once connected the Centerpoint trail (trailhead off Hwy 43 north of Ponca and south of Compton) to the Sneed Creek Trail (at one of the most beautiful places on it).  Then there was the devastating 2009 monster ice storm (from which we are STILL recovering) that demolished that lovely trail and cut out a couple of very pleasant loops to be made using it.  

On December 3, sixteen Buffalo River Chapter BCH members decided to do something about that damaged trail, and they managed to clear the old road beds of fallen trees and six years of brush that had taken over in several places.  BRCBCH is happy to report the trail is open and good and easily navigated (if your cinch is tight).  The new/old passage is sure to be well-used and appreciated by equine users and hikers alike.

After a lively lunch by the waterfalls on Sneed Creek, the work crew split up into 3 different groups to try out those renewed loops for the ride back to the trail head.  Each route had its benefits–one quicker, one not as steep, one with unequaled views of river bluffs.  It is such a delight to have this connecting trail back!

(Thanks to April, Kathy, Pat, Nadean, Elaine, Arlus, Marci, Mike, Bonnie, Ted Larkin, Pam, Susan, Evelyn and Bev for the good work!)