What’s your place on the Buffalo? That’s a question a fellow Buffalo River Back Country Horsemen asked on a recent river ride, and no one present had to ask what he meant or struggle for an answer. As folks who regularly ride the Buffalo we’re lucky like that, aren’t we? We all know that he was asking about the place on the river that speaks most directly to your heart, brings you peace, and draws you back again and again.

If you have a minute, think about your place. Maybe it’s high in the headwaters of the Buffalo where the trails can be a little wild and wooly and the pools in the river are that particular shade of blue-green that makes you happy to be alive and in the company of a good horse. Maybe your thoughts go flying along Sneeds Creek in the springtime when the wildflowers are blazing and the waterfalls are sparkling and full. Or do you dream of a spot further along as the river is winding its way home, where you’re thrilled and surprised to see an Elephant’s Head?

Whatever place has a special hold on you, there’s a good chance you helped make it even better. That’s what you do every time you ride out and clip, saw, and lop your way down river. Every time you stop to pick up someone else’s trash or take the time to teach a child how to tie a quick release knot, you make the future of the Buffalo National River a little brighter and more certain.

3072 …Think about that for just a moment. Three thousand and seventy two is the number of hours members of Buffalo River Chapter Back Country Horsemen committed to the care and maintenance of our beloved river and its watershed last year. It’s a big number for a small group of dedicated people who choose to make a difference, isn’t it? This post is both a fan letter to the Buffalo (a love letter really) and a thank you note to each of you. Simply, thank you for every hour you spent riding and working to keep the trails of the Buffalo open and accessible to all. I hope you and your horse or mule had some grand adventures along the way to that 3072, and you were able to spend some quality time in your special place.